When I run Actions>Verify in Customization/Personalization Maintenance, I get a warning that epiComboC3 could not set the property of EpiAltSearchMethod. I’ve inherited this customization, and not sure what this error means. Everything seems to work properly on the box.
Should be an epiText box in the tracker, instead of an epiCombo?
epiCombo has been used, to display a dropdown list defined in your User Codes BO,
I do not know what causing your error on the AltSerchMethod, but you can try and open any other working epiCombo object on this customization and check what is under EpiAltSearchMethod and compare
Check out your custom xml properies (Tools menu in your customisation) You may have a property that is incorrect or duplicated. There was a post about something similar a few weeks back, can I find it now to link, no sorry.
Hi Al & Simon - That thread was me too… I checked the XML, and it’s just there once for each combo box. The default Epicor combo boxes don’t have anything in that field either. I’m guessing when we add our own combo box, Epicor adds all the properties to the XML file, even if they are blank. Not sure why the Verify process sends a warning on this.
Probably safe to delete these property blocks out of the XML? Or does Epicor need them, even though they aren’t setting any property values?
I’ll ignore the warning for now, and also check with Epicor.
Development system shows the Problem has been resolved in E10.1
Problem Case PRB0095232 reported the following Issue:
Customization Maintenance - Verification wrongly marks EpiAltSearchMethod property as not found
The Warning Tab listed the following Message - Could not set the property.
old topic but might be some one knows what does mean “Last snoozed”? It is not visible under customization combo property but after verification on some customizations combo I can see that it can not set “Last snoozed” value. What is this?