Cycle Count Problem

When you generate tags I believe there is a checkbox to exclude zero qty

Gerry Loranger

Systems Administrator

Preformed Line Products

1711 Bishop St. East

Cambridge, ON N1T 1N5

519-740-6666 Ext. 224

Email: gloranger@... <mailto:gloranger@...>

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We have a problem with Cycle Counting... we have over 100,000 active parts, (our products last for decades thus we sell spare parts forever), yet we have very little on hand inventory, (perhaps 5000 parts). When we cycle count we get thousands of parts to count that have 0 quantity to count. How can we have the system not select 0 qty parts for cycle counting? We are currently on 407B with a progress database and have only been on Vantage for a few months... all help is greatly appreciated!