When you generate tags I believe there is a checkbox to exclude zero qty
Gerry Loranger
Systems Administrator
Preformed Line Products
1711 Bishop St. East
Cambridge, ON N1T 1N5
519-740-6666 Ext. 224
Email: gloranger@... <mailto:gloranger@...>
Visit our website at www.preformed.on.ca <http://www.preformed.on.ca>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Gerry Loranger
Systems Administrator
Preformed Line Products
1711 Bishop St. East
Cambridge, ON N1T 1N5
519-740-6666 Ext. 224
Email: gloranger@... <mailto:gloranger@...>
Visit our website at www.preformed.on.ca <http://www.preformed.on.ca>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]