Dashboard: Not Responding and Load Issues

I’m on 905.701, working on an updatable dashboard to help our company with job scheduling and review. Have had trouble with it:
-Sometimes (maybe 5% of the time) freezes when refreshing data (I use Refresh All)
-Sometimes (maybe once every 20 min) freezing when clicking around in it
-Sometimes one or more grid views don’t load properly. Either the entire grid is black or a couple columns don’t appear.
-Besides these issues, it works great, does what is expected of it.

Description of the dashboard:
-Contains a total of 6 BAQs (1 updatable).
-Fields on some BAQs are published in the dashboard and used to filter grid views of other dashboard BAQs.
-Right now, the BAQs return a total 17531 rows.
-Contains 9 grid views and 1 tracker view.
-Takes 5-6 seconds for data to re-load after clicking Refresh All (assuming it doesn’t freeze)

I’m looking for a better understanding of the root cause(s) of the problems so I can attempt to resolve them.
-Too much data?
-Too many views?
-Does the fact that it’s updatable have an affect on performance, even when you’re not updating records?
-Issues when users are updating records while I’m refreshing the data?
-Anything else?

If you have experience with similar issues or are generally knowledgeable about this sort of stuff, please provide insight. I can provide more info as needed. Thank you.