Data showing in user interface and SQL, but not in BAQs

I don’t have a resolution for you but I’ve also noticed lots of inconsistent results when trying to access ShipTo data via BAQ. 


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:54 AM
To: yahoogroups
Subject: [Vantage] Data showing in user interface and SQL, but not in BAQs



Working on the strangest problem.  We have some reports that began to not pull the data they were expected to.  Discovered the underlying BAQ wasn't pulling the data, in this case from the Ship To table.  These same Ship To values are visible on the front end screens and pull up in SQL.  When I run a basic BAQ to try and pull up the same data, nothing is returned.  I have tried pulling the Ship To table with no filters/criteria and the data still isn't in there.  It is only certain records that are missing and just began happening recently.  Has anyone experienced this, the BAQs unable to pull data that is definitely in SQL and showing on the front end?



Working on the strangest problem.  We have some reports that began to not pull the data they were expected to.  Discovered the underlying BAQ wasn't pulling the data, in this case from the Ship To table.  These same Ship To values are visible on the front end screens and pull up in SQL.  When I run a basic BAQ to try and pull up the same data, nothing is returned.  I have tried pulling the Ship To table with no filters/criteria and the data still isn't in there.  It is only certain records that are missing and just began happening recently.  Has anyone experienced this, the BAQs unable to pull data that is definitely in SQL and showing on the front end?