Kinetic Dataview-filter-set not working. adding BAQ field to grid

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I am following this thread:
How To: Adding Columns to Existing Kinetic Grid - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (

I am at the iterate step where I have the dataview-filter-set. When I add the widget, my BAQ results table blanks out. :frowning:

Everything looks good after the LoopUp BAQ event. JobMtlPartLookup table has data!!!

then the widget is added.

Then the table disappears.

Any ideas on what can cause this? Only thing I haven’t tried is to make the BAQ only two columns. Might try that in the meantime.


making BAQ two columns didn’t work.

Show me how you set up the dataview-condition widget as well as what data is in the matches table by using the CTRL+ALT+V

How can we see the matches dataview? It doesn’t show up.

It’ll be up in System Dataviews.
Is it not there either?

Think I found the issue. The column being looked up is an integer.

tweaked the dataview-filter-set parameter to: note the lack of quotes


magic it worked.

Am duck.

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There is the matches dataview as well.