Delete an Entire Company


I did get the error message "One or more account contexts require an account. Return to GL Control?" when I added the GL Control for USD (currency). I found several examples of this on EpicWeb; the steps always said to click on the No button. The error doesn't come up in the companies that were converted from Vantage, just in the new company. If that's the error you're getting I'd say you're safe to ignore it.

Another FYI if you need it...on the test server I did some GL transactions to see if my setup was ok. After I had some transactions in there I tried running the Purge General Ledger History program (under GL Setup). It worked great. I could purge my transactions and modify my setup if I needed to! :)

Delete an Entire Company

Has anyone deleted an entire company from a DB? This is in a DB with 2 companies that have never been linked with global anything and no intercompany transfers or anything like that, just two separate companies using the same database.

If you have done it, was it straight through the Admin console or was there backend things that needed to be done/hacked for it to happen?

This is for a 9.04.409 DB being prepped for upgrade path to 10 through 9.05.

I did it in a test environment (9.05.701). We needed to add a new company (GL only). I wanted to know if I could delete it if I messed up the setup so I set it up in test, deleted it and set it up again. After I deleted it I poked around in some of the tables using DB Visualizer and found no sign of the deleted company.I deleted it using the Epicor administration console. You do have to make sure no one (except manager) has access to the company you want to delete if it won't let you delete it.

Hi Sue - I am in the process of setting up a new company as requested by our CFO for GL transactions only. I have not set-up a new company in Epicor 9.05 (we are 9.05.702A). I am working in our test environment to make sure I get it right before attempting to do it in live. I have the Epicor university "instructions" for doing this which I followed but I keep getting an error message on the configuration page. (The company set-up fine and all of the GL master files went fine also).

I called tech support but so far have not gotten a response. I am getting the error at the very last step when I try to apply the new default COA to the company's configuration. Hopefully support will get back to me soon, but I was just wondering since you did this fairly recently if you might remember having an error you had to get around by any chance? Or any tips?
