Demand Summary - Job Tracker

Does anyone know which tables the demand summary in job tracker/entry pulls from?



I misspoke. I meant the make to stock, make to order, and make to job tables within demand summary… Trying to modify a job traveler to indicate which demand is the source demand for the job.

They all use JobProd. But a Make to Order will have an order/line/rel populated, Make to stock will have warehouse populated, make to job will have a TargetJobNum populated. Something like that. They all would be a row in JobProd I believe… just have different columns filled in.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a calculated field already defined in the RDD that does this for you… but if not, you can either write a case statement into your SQL for the dataset or you can write an iif statement into the text field where you want it to show up (assuming the fields you need to make the decision are already present in the dataset).

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Thank you.