Digest Number 1889

We have a Canon IR330 on our network. It has a stapling finisher. It
works great! We didn't get the fax capability. We did purchase a Ricoh
270 from the same vendor. That one is also networked, with a stapling
finisher, and a fax board. That one works great, as well, including
sending and receiving faxes.

We recently purchased a refurbished Canon EP200S digital copier. No
attachments other than the document feeder. Not networked. No problems
with this one, either.

Am I satisfied with our Canon products? Yes.
Gary Grenier
IT Manager
Bell Manufacturing Co.

From: "Winter, Patrick" <pjw@...>
Subject: Copier question?

I would like to call on the expertise of this group?
Any down sides to getting a Canon copier with fax capability?
Anyone have a Canon copier on their network as a network printer?
How well does it work for you?
I'm also looking at the automatic stapling?
HP makes a 9000 series that staples, faxes, etc... Anyone have one of those
or can compare to Canon?
I have never had Canon equipment before, Any/all comments appreciated.

Patrick Winter

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