Our part descriptions have been entered in various ways, resulting in some having char(10) or char(13) for line returns. The screenshot below shows two nearly identical parts, but with a different char used to handle the multi-line description.
When I hover over line 1, I see a popup with the whole multi-line part description (not what customer service wants). In line 2, however, the multi-line description displays as a single line in the tracker (what customer service wants).
The data fix provided by Epicor will make all parts display like like 1 (not what we want).
Has anyone ever dealt with this before? If so, do you see multi-line part descriptions displaying in tracker views like line 2 below?
If I click on the whitespace next to those that don’t display the full description, then the full description shows. Any way in Epicor to enable this “click to show” on each row?
That’s a pretty great solution, but when I pushed it live customer service didn’t like the way the lines all became random heights. Additionally, the much taller rows greatly reduced the lines per view (that is, a lot more scrolling is necessary, causing another frustration).
In the end, we just need the description all crammed on one line (like what happens when you click a description…)