DMT Bill of Operations Load

I am currently having trouble with troubleshooting a BOO DMT template to load a new Method. I keep getting the same error and not sure how to fix it. Does anyone currently have a DMT template that loads the Bill of operations correctly for new part numbers for Epicor 10.2.700.32

I have a case open with Epicor but they seem to have recently changed how they answer DMT questions which drags down getting an answer from them quickly

Error I get is : ECOOpr message: A valid primary production operation detail is required.

I have attached my template becasue I believe I have this covered

dmt BRP BOO LOAD 3.csv (658 Bytes)

Look in the Operation master program and make sure you have either a Resource Group or a Resource assigned to the Operation.

Sorry no answer… just what I do when when I have errors with combined templates.
I try using multiple templates instead.
e.g. process the ECOOp and then the ECOOpDtl…
start with fewer columns…keep adding more just to verify my values are good.
In some cases I had to break out subcontract ops into separate templates too.
Worst case… I had to go back & do some manual entry / tracing to find the source.

Those combined templates are nice but… they can be a little more fussy to get right.

Agree with @bordway We’re not Kinetic but we have our BOO DMTs split across --iirc-- 3 files.

I will try separating them. I have loaded so many prior to this and not had any issues but that was also with earlier versions



I do afraid to lie but try to remove primmary setup and primmary prod columns from template

See if this helps any
(DMT tool to change Operation Resource Group to Resource ID - #17 by CSmith)

DMT would glitch out if not in this order.

Check out this thread and see if it resolves your issue :slight_smile: