This migration is going to be the death of me… I am using DMT to import the BOO and I am getting the error “(ECOOprBeforeUpdate) Table ECOOpr A valid primary production operation detail is required”
I don’t see ECOOpr as a column in the template or the table. Did I miss a set up somewhere? Any suggestions of where to look are appreciated
I have made the template only the fields required by the DMT (company,part number, rev, op#, op code, pland, eco group) and am not getting the error anymore. I am going to try importing bit by bit…
Lol… I Entered the very minimum as required by the DMT template. I then added a few fields at a time to update. I eventually hit an error that even Epicor said they couldn’t figure out and I needed to reset the database and start loading all the data again from the beginning.
The error is being caused by the inclusion of ‘PrimarySetupOpDtl’ or ‘PrimaryProdOpDtl’ columns. Remove them and that will stop DMT from falling over. What I would reccomend is then re-adding these columns back into your file, re-running the DMT import but only with Update selected.