DMT Error

The Data Dictionary for PORel says:

Indicates if the release was voided. Voided releases items are not main tainable, can’t “unvoid”. This field is not directly maintainable. Instead the void function will be performed via a “Void Release” button. Which then presents a verification dialog box.

When an PORel record is ‘voided’, PORel.OpenRelease is set to “no”.

A test shows that a Release’s state is a combo of the OpenRelease and VoidRelease fields.

Open  Void   State
  1      0    Open (available to be received)
  0      1    Voided (By using 'Close Release' on the action menu in PO Entry)
  0      0    Closed (received)
  1      1    NOT ALLOWED

So try just setting the OpenRelease to true, and ignore VoidedRelease

I saw that too and wondered if it was even possible in DMT.

I have just tried opening the release but I still get the same errors.

It’s just that one PO, correct? Can you just re-open each line and release via PO Entry?

I know it doesn’t solve the problem of doing it with DMT. But does get the PO fixed.

While not knowing why something was broken drives me crazy, you have to just move on at some point.
Re-visit it if it shows up again.

It was just one but now I have a second one. We can but there are over 200 lines and some release go into the 90’s…just a lot.

They are opening as they need them i am just trying to figure out what is going on with DMT and not why are POs randomly setting Releases to Void. The second on yesterday happened when they were at lunch. I had the user change their password but I don’t get it.

I’d enable the change log on PORel ASAP!


Also, does the line then close too? If it doesn’t, then something is bypassing the business logic.

No the line did not close…Just a bunch of Release got voided. I have the change log on and can see who did it but how could they Void 50 to 60 maybe even more Releases on various Lines all with the same time stamp.

I have a copy of the DB in another environment but I don’t even know where to start…crazy.

Does it always void every release for that line?

Does the Change Log for POLine show any activity at the same time the PORel.VoidRelease changes? Particularly if the POLine.OpenLine changed to false, and then right back to true.

I was going task if a Hotkey was assigned to the Close PO Line action, but even that generates dialog box


In PO tracker are these releases attached to a Job or Sales Order and are people meddling with that Job or Sales Order?

Are there any PO change suggestions against any of these releases? Even if they don’t show up in the change workbench they will still be listed in the database as reviewed

Also if a PO line or release is closed and there were no receipts against the line, the release will be voided. So a user could theoretically go into Change PO Suggestions, check all of the boxes for cancel orders and use the Action pull-down to indicate ‘Accept’ to cancel(void) a ton of releases at once.


I didn’t think about the Workbench. If someone had authorized access to this Buyer and went on their workbench and canceled the suggestion would it be there name or buyers name?

No nothing was received against these releases since they are in the future.

No but it would at least tell you that someone ‘Reveiwed’ the suggestion. A quick query of table SugPOChg would reveal whether or not your releases were considered in the workbench. Look for a checkbox on the Reviewed box and especially look for a C for cancel suggestion.

And hurry because if someone runs the generate suggestions process they will all get wiped.

I have a copy of DB so I am using that. Plus we don’t allow users to run po suggestions

The DMT error is that it cannot find the method. That looks like a bug within DMT itself, not data related. You could try using a different version of the DMT executable (older one if you’ve got one stored away, or newer one) - raise it within Support also.

I do have it open with support and they finally agreed to test it.

If it was me, I would run one template that just opens the releases. Then run a 2nd template to mark the ‘voidrelease’ field as false.

tried that too same error.

Same error on both templates or only on the second one when you try to update the void release field?

When I get vague errors like that, I tend to walk thru the steps in Epicor for the screen I’m trying to update data, to verify that I’m not missing something when I run DMT.

One downside with DMT, is that the “Required fields” listed are generally for adding new records.

It can take some deep knowledge of the BO’s used by DMT when updating records.

@Kimberley - can you delete those problematic releases? Probably not, but the error for why you can’t might shed some light on what elese is referencing those records. And what might needed to be simultaneously updated.

Looks like updating the DMT version fixed the issue.


Was there actually a new version available or did you just re-install? I am having this issue and I am trying all sorts of things but continue to get the same error. We’re on 10.2.300.6