I’m running a DMT for menu security, done this a number of times for other companies. Suddenly, it’s not working. Not sure if it’s something I’m doing, I’m missing something quite obvious, or there are changes in the DMT tool. We’re on-premise, 2024.1.9.
Here’s my DMT file. I cut it down to just this one record, one group to import:
When I run this through DMT, I get this error message:
Access contains a value which is not in the list of valid values for this column.
CFO is definitely one of the menu security groups that is set up.
I’m a pack rat when it comes to saving files, I pulled up DMT imports I’ve run on other companies to do this very thing - the format is basically the same. Not sure what’s going on.
Tried the quotes already, no-go. Tried the 0 instead of false, no-go.
Interesting, I thought I’d try to set the AllowAll first in one update, then do a second update where I updated the Entry List. However, when I used just this file: