DMT - PartOpr and PartMtl

Hi All,

It the end of the day and I can’t figure this out.
It’s likely the process has changed in E10.

In E9, DMT had an option for adding to PartOpr and PartMtl.
I don’t see this in DMT 10.2.600.12

What am I missing? Is there a different process in E10 that just adding to PartOpr and PartMtl directly?
I see BOO and BOM under engineering but this seems like I would be interacting with the Engineering Workbench.

What do you mean “directly” when you say “that just adding to PartOpr and PartMtl directly?”

If you use these BOO and BOM templates I am pretty sure it gets added directly to the part after you approve the rev.

You have never been able to update PartOpr and PartMtl directly… we have always done it via ECOOpr & ECOMtl… look for those options in DMT, and you can create your own templates.
Note that with ECOOpr and ECOMtl, you will need to have an ECOGroup field in the templates, AND you will that group also needs to pre-exist. Other than that, it should import just like any other table, EXCEPT that you will see it actually checks the part out to the group before doing the import, and then it approves and checks it back in for you.


Thank you Tim. I will try this in the morning.