E10.1.600.30 - Strange form behavior

On the UD15 form I added a combo box and a bunch of numeric controls. Based on the selection in the combo box, I set some of the numeric controls to read only = true. If I enter a value in one of the numeric controls that is readonly = false. and tab out, all of the numeric controls become readonly = false. Any ideas on what is causing this and how to stop it?

I wonder if you are setting readonly in the control properties?

If the field(s) properties are somehow being automatically changed in the EpidataView, taking precedence?

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In the Epicor Client, the data controls the UI elements and the Epi-Controls respond to the Extended Properties “metadata” defining both a column and a cell. You do not color a control, you color the data; You do not disable a control, you disable the data. We do this so that any control displaying the data - individual field, Grid, or control added via Customization - will display and managed the data in the same way.

Use Row Rules and the UI will behave as you expect.

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