I thought I would share this with the group in the event this ever happens to you. We have not been able to print AP Checks for over 8 days and had eliminated all the usual root causes. In this case, the AP Payment Batch thinks the checks printed and the batch could be posted without a problem, but nothing ever got to the AP Check Printer
Turns out now that we had a supplier name with a blank space preceding the name. We fixed the spacing problem and reprinted the batch it was in that wouldn't print as well as a new batch with the same supplier and they both printed
Epicor says it has not heard of this problem but there was a similar issue in that a space in a user id caused Credit Card Payments not to process
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Turns out now that we had a supplier name with a blank space preceding the name. We fixed the spacing problem and reprinted the batch it was in that wouldn't print as well as a new batch with the same supplier and they both printed
Epicor says it has not heard of this problem but there was a similar issue in that a space in a user id caused Credit Card Payments not to process
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