E9: Memory Leak Tester

Hi Joe,

I've used the Memory Leak Tester in the past and yes we have some users who experience the "System of out Memory" error. I used the Tester to see if certain forms were unloaded from memory properly after you closed them out. We are running Epicor 905 701. I've found that if you have embedded dashboards in a Tracker form that it will cause a memory leak. What's weird is that the trackers will load and unload from memory if they are not attached to the menu system. Once the Tracker is attached to the menu system it will produce a memory leak. I contacted tech support about it. They know it's a bug, but have no plans of fixing it, I was told.


Hi All,

We are frequently getting out of memory errors across different end users.
I’ve already made the tweaks to the registry to address the USER Objects setting but in some cases these users are still getting the error.

I found out about the Memory Leak Tester command line option but I’m not total sure how to use it or what I am looking for.
Can anyone offer some guidance or point me to a document?

Also, more broadly, is anyone else getting these out of memory errors? If yes, have you found a way to address it?

Joe Rojas | Director of Information Technology | Mats Inc
dir: 781-573-0291 | cell: 781-408-9278 | fax: 781-232-5191

addr: 37 Shuman Ave | Stoughton | Ma | 02072-3734
jrojas@... | www.matsinc.com
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