I created a document type for Customer POs with meta data mapped to OrderHed.OrderNum. In my workflow, my take attachment has the key field and defined value OrderNum. However, it doesn’t get included in my email. When I look in ECM, I noticed the key field has the value of the Order #, but the field Order Number has nothing. I manually filled in Order Number and that worked–my attachment was emailed. Can someone explain what the difference is between the key field (which has the order number indicated in ECM) and the defined value in the Workflow?
How are you initially creating the document in ECM? There is a current issue with metadata populating fields from Epicor, so this may be the cause. As you stated, once you populated the OrderNum field with a value your APR worked. If you’re using SO Automation then the workflow should create the OrderNum value once the workflow completes.
Metadata Issue:
Thank you! That’s the issue. Just went into classic and was able to attach–the meta value shows up in ECM and the workflow works. I’ll check if there’s a PR. Again, thank you for the find!!!
Happy to help, Donna.
How are you getting the initial document into ECM? Do you have the datalink license and experience with workflows design? I ask as the combination of those two things could be used to populate fields on the document, including the OrderNum. For something like this, it could be as simple as having a workflow specifically designed to use the Replace task to populate the OrderNum field with the Keywords field value.
Hi, Victor. I haven’t work with Docstar in years–I’m a reluctant Proj Mgr returning to coding That being said–I think you are recommending I write something in ECM to pass the key field to the Order Number. If that is possible, I will try to research. However, another function–an end user can view a document in classic, but in kinetic requires ECM credentials, which would force us to add all end users to ECM–I don’t want to do that.
No worries, Donna. Fortunately, this would be a fairly straightforward configuration. The Content Type will be created from the attachment so you can set an initial workflow in there. That workflow should really only require a Replace task to migrate the Keywords value to the OrderNum field. Hope that gets you moving in the right direction.
Hi, Victor. Thank you! I’ve downloaded a bunch of DocStar manuals–hoping I can figure out how to create the Workflow. Have a great weekend!!
Victor, thank you for great clue. I created a Workflow and setting the key on the Order Number! I attach the Order in Epicor. I just have to figure out which task evaluates the type to have the Workflow automatically work. Right now I’ve submitted the docs to the Workflow and that’s fixing the order number…baby steps
I also brough this up to the product advisory group today Donna. Hoping to get some more traction because you shouldn’t be dealing with this.
Thank you! I appreciate everyone’s help. What I couldn’t get done with the help of Epicor ECM PS in 5 months–I got done with a note from Victor in about an hour! This forum has saved me several times already.
Victor has been an incredible contributor to this forum lately and teccweb is also a great resource for ECM.
I’ve confirmed that the screens from 2022 do not have the attachment ECM functionality–but it’s resolved sometime in 2023. I can’t upgrade yet as we are so close to our go-live. So I did put in Victor’s suggestion–1) created the Workflow to replace field with key and 2) submit the doc to workflow upon submission.
I have a new problem–just when I thought I had it all figured out. I set up JobTraveler with a SSRS B/R–Breaking on JobPart. My Document is in ECM with the Part Number. The Job Traveler prints, but my attachment does not. How do you root cause an issue? I confirmed that the value is correct by including the value in my email (The Part Number). I have the type of attachment table the PartRev. Any suggestions on how to root cause? Thank you.
This sounds like it may now be an issue with the APR and not necessarily anything with ECM… Without knowing the configuration of the APR it would be hard to troubleshoot. My guess is that the APR isn’t setup to use the printer or that you will now have two reports to print: 1) The original Job Traveler and 2) The attachment, which should print from the APR.
Any chance that it’s just a matter of selecting that second report style and running it?
I actually tried to just get it to attach to an email rather than trying to print. Now I’ve swapped out email with a print preview.
Ah, I see. Hopefully that does the trick. I am uncertain where the attachment is coming from, but if it is to be pulled from ECM you will need the Take ECM Attachment step in your APR. Considering you had this step in the previous APR you sent a screenshot of, I am assuming you are likely aware of this, though.
Thank you, Victor. It seems to be another data issue–the PartRev was expecting a Revision. I hardcoded the revision to see if that worked, and it did. So now I have to go back to ECM and populate both the Part and the Revision from the “key words”. I will figure out what logic to extrapolate the keys–it’s not great since space isn’t a reliable delimiter. Oh, I cannot wait until we have complete kinetic bug fixes. The dumb part–we grabbed this version in August–it’s not like we were sitting for years on a version
I can empathize with your frustration as this is something I’ve had to deal with a number of times. As for the way you can resolve this, we typically add the values we want to bring over to ECM into the “Comments” of the APR separated by a delimiter like “~”. Once that’s in ECM we can use the Split Text task to separate the values on that delimiter into their own respective fields.