Edge Agent Issue after patching

Is anybody else finding that they are having to uninstall and reinstall the Edge Agent after patching?

We just patched from 2024.1.13 to 2024.1.20 and now get the version mismatch error when attempting to open classic screens from the browser. These same classic screens open correctly when using the client install.

If I uninstall and then reinstall the edge agent the problem goes away.


I have the same issue. We are on SaaS and every major update it feels we have to manually reinstall the Edge Agent. It is a pain.

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I’ve not seen in occur on a minor patch but we did have to reinstall when we went from 2024.1.x to 2024.2.x.

We have to reinstall Edge Agent, after every update (on-prem)… sadly.

We are rapidly coming to a point, finally, where we are going to lock down Epicor Production for awhile… either the .9 update or .10. .7 was a good update for us, and we skipped .8 because there was nothing specifically in it for us. We are waiting for a couple of problems to get resolved, then we will lock it down, and likely only update once or twice a year… Hopefully!!!