Hello everyone! I’m new to SSRS, and I’m trying to figure out how to go about editing this report. Essentialy this is the AR Aged Invoices report, and currently the issue is that it has multiple customers on each page, when we want a report style where we can have each customer on their own page. I have a copy of the style made and downloaded…I’m just confused by all the data showing that I’m not sure how to insert a page break between the customers.
Sorry that this isn’t a real answer but in my experience I never find it useful/worthwhile to edit an existing out of the box Epicor Report. I always start from scratch.
I would start by looking down at the row groups which should be arranged in a logical hierarchy. One should be for the customers. Right click on it, go to properties. Then there should be a Page Breaks tab. Select the check box to break between instances of the group. If you’re lucky this is all you need to do.
Mr. Anthony: The Aged Receivables report (I believe) is structured for “accounting eyes” not customers.
Have you tried printing the Customer Statements? That report is specifically designed to send to customers.
The Aged Receivables CAN be modified however, since it has so many ways to “Sort By” and given that it is structured using Rows AND Columns (unlike most reports that use single column for the report) I am not sure the bang is worth the buck.
Please consider the Customer Statement for sending to customers. (admittedly i do not know the audience you are trying to please).
I believe it is Group1 that you want to put the page break on. Right Click on the group in the Row Groups and select Group Properties. Select Page Breaks on the left and check off Between each instance of a group.
Thanks for the input! I believe we didn’t want to use the customer statement because there was a lot of data on it we didn’t care about. I’m not part of the accounting group so I can’t say for sure…
Turns out it was because I needed to apply it to group 4 and every group above it for some reason, while leaving group 5 and 6 alone. Thanks everyone it works perfectly now! Glad it wasn’t super difficult.