Our cdc.capturelog table is growing. Our understanding is that Epicor Social Enterprise uses this table, but, is there a way to purge some of the data?
Related to SCR 140574. Our intention is to delete records that are older than 2 days from this table. You can manually run the script below in SQL Management Studio to remove all records on that table that are older than 2 days and can be tied to a SQL agent job if you wish to run automatically. If you wish to replace the space these records were using, you can shrink the database but you should rebuild indexes afterwards to address the index fragmentation.
<----copy below this line----->
-- You NEED to backup your database before executing this query!
-- Change [DatabaseNameHere] to the name of the database that you are running this against
use [DatabaseNameHere]
delete from cdc.capturelog
where DATEDIFF(dy, OccurredWhenUTC, getdate()) >= 2
<-----copy above this line----->