Epicor cdc.CaptureLog

Hi Team,
I would like remove data row that more than 7days in cdc.CaptureLog, may I know got any impact? Please advise.

Do you know what those tables are for? Epicor Social rings a bell, but I might be wrong.

I don’t think anyone will give you advice about direct edits to the database here. I would reach out to support and see what they have to say. They may have a conversion program or the like that will help manage the data.

The CDC.Capturelog table is used by the Epicor Social Enterprise extension. During normal operation this table is purged on a daily basis which should stop it from becoming overly large.

However, if you have noticed that the table size is growing continuously then it may be because a scheduled job within SQL Server is not running. Within the SQL Server Agent branch of the SQL Server Management Studio look for a Scheduled SQL job called ‘CaptureLogCleanup’

Check that this job is enabled and that it is running against the correct ERP10 database.


So after upgrading and switching servers CaptureLogCleanup is missing in SQL.
KB0042467 says the same as the last post, but not what to do if the Maintenance Plan is missing.