Epicor License Usage Monitoring

Hi everyone,
We recently got a web license and I am trying to modify all my API calls to use this license so that I don’t depend on the amount of users logged into Epicor.

This is my Postman request, I am passing a ClaimedLicense (Web License code from another post). Is there a way I can check if it’s actually using this license?
An easy way to monitor where I don’t have to go in the logs and hunt down line 9999 of some mysterious file?

Thank you!

This will take some hunting since I think the usage will happen so fast that getting it in session management will be elusive.
Set this trace flag in Appserver.config
will get you entries like this.

this thread has the sessiontypes to verify you are getting the web.


That header isn’t set correct so no it won’t be using that license I don’t have it handy but search around you must pass the license as part of a different header

Should be like this

 "License": "{\"ClaimedLicense\":\"00000003-b615-4300-957b-34956697f040\"}",

Hello @gpayne ,
Thank you very much for your response.
I followed your advice and added it to the trace file. Do you have any suggestions where the trace files for this might be located? I am making postman calls, are these appearing anywhere?


The server log.

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make sure logging is on, so the trace flag happens. From EAC

then as @klincecum points out they will be in the server folder of your application directory. something like this.


I enabled that and added the line you suggested above
The line exists twice now I guess

But not getting any results in the config file specified in the location you showed in Application Server Settings.
Got any suggestions?

What does the top of your appserver.config look like. disabled false is key.


The files will be like this

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Thank you!
We are on the same page, everything is enabled and the same. I found those files too, but I can’t find anything tagged licenses.
Is there perhaps a Rest API flag I need to enable before I can see the license tag in the trace logs?

There is a rest api flag, so maybe if you copy and uncomment it.


If you login to Epicor you should at least see a license entry from your logon.

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Very helpful, thank you very much. For some reason I wasn’t aware that it was all in HTML, so the license tag was also commented. I really appreciate your help, I can now see the license ids!

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Awesome, If this is solved then mark a solution.

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