Epiusers Insights 2021 Meetup

Hey All,
We’ve been trying to find a place were we can all meet, but Vegas is nuts they want like $60 bucks per person guaranteed and we just couldn’t float that at the moment. We could have gone the collect money from everyone route but that’s very hard to do (thank you @knash!!! for last time) in somewhat short notice and frankly drinks are free at the reception.

So unless something changes from now till Sunday (anyone wanna sponsor us :stuck_out_tongue: ) , let’s just meet at the reception let’s find a spot, we’ll post something on this Thread when we find a spot at the reception and we will gather all there and once reception is over we can all decide to take over a bar or something if we still feel like hanging.

Cheers everyone, looking forward to seeing you all.


Thanks for taking the time to coordinate this Jose, see you at the reception!


We are hanging on the back left (as you walk in ) by the ropes

Near the account managers sign and the eclipse sign against the ropes.

@gpayne, @bderuvo , @MikeGross and a few others are here

We just jumped the rope

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Where’d you guys go @josecgomez

Got a few pics!! They ain’t great - I can sling code, but photos are obviously a skill I could use some practice on. And many others were there, and it was great seeing everyone like
Ken Nash, Aaron WiIlett, Tim Shoemaker, Randy Stulce…

And Nathan, Patrick and so many others from Epicor that we haven’t seen in 2 years.

(If I missed a tag - I apologize!!)

@josecgomez @jgiese.wci @agiese @bderuvo @gpayne @TriciaT @Banderson
@utaylor @jdewitt6029 @Chancellor, @agiese, Norman, and Amin


Super fun connecting again! Mike you are the man! Way to capture the moments!


And forgot to mention the boys from TMF Center - our new drinking buddies :slight_smile:
@zvanmeter @logan (??) and “mike” (help me out with a link Zach)


Yep youve got the right logan! It was great meeting you guys, definitely gave some good advice for my first insights( and my first vegas trip :rofl: )

@Steika is the man you want!


A few more Shots
@bderuvo, @Banderson @josecgomez @gpayne

Here’s a lovely shot from the stage when we picked up our award… “SOMEBODY” was clever with the meme… :neutral_face::joy:

And here’s @Banderson skillfully playing with his glowing balls… that’s right he has more skills than just being an Epicor Ninja

@TriciaT @josecgomez @bderuvo @Banderson

@Banderson , @gpayne


Not to brag or anything, but I happened to win the Highest prize given out this weekend.

A rubber Duck from THE @aidacra