Fast Indented BOM BAQ

ene_IndentedBOMFAST.baq (98.7 KB)

I’ve been working for some time to improve the performance of the BAQ shared by @timshuwy

Build BOM in Query

In our environment, the original version completes in about 380 seconds.

My version completes in 1 second.

Take it for a spin, let me know what you guys think.

indentedBOMFAST2.baq (98.8 KB)

Updated because the original did not retain the precision of the decimal material quantities.

This sounds amazing. Is there any way I can load this in ERP / Kinetic version I tried importing the .baq file, but am getting
Can't import query definition from version latter than current: 4.2.300.0 Query import finished with error(s)

This is awesome!!! Can you by chance explain how to add cost to the BAQ?

We tested it and it has impressive speed to be sure. One thing I noticed is the materials are repeated when there are other parent revisions in existence.

Where company is specified I would change it to currentcompany instead of BAQ company because it will then work when the user runs from the other company