File Attachment Speed, non ECM (Native) - Tips for making the upload faster?


Just circling back to this with our company. Attachment speeds seem to vary (regardless of file size) when uploading. This seems hit or miss with regard to a quick upload or not. I’m talking about 30 to 120 seconds on a simple PDF sometimes… other times it’s less than 5 seconds… no rhyme or reason. We are 99% of the time uploading PDFs to the quote page, the order page, or the shipment page…
Right now upload times are our 2nd biggest complaint that I’m seeing after meeting with our office staff (no.1 is related to the randomness of related to dashboards and custom dashboards displaying wrong info from widgets, but I do have word of a .14 fix for that!!!).

  1. We are using a dedicated fileserver (on-prem)
  2. It doesn’t seem to make a difference if we choose Client System Direct Copy or File Transfer Using Service as a “Transfer Type”
  3. The actual file size seems to not affect whether it’s a slow upload or not
  4. Sometimes, it will just spin forever (not unsimilar to some page loads).
  5. Our base URL for each document type is using the fully-qualified domain name.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Our SQL Server is also separate and new with great specs… Have any of you determined a “fix” or something we could try? TIA

Hi Joseph,

What happens if you just copy files to attachment location outside of Kinetic using just a terminal window at the server and at a workstation?

Yes we are in the same scenario:

I posted a few days ago on this issue.

We are running the same configuration i. Terms of how we store attachments:

Link: Weird Attachment Panel Hang - 2024.1 - #7 by klincecum

We have a separate development server, but its quite old, so originally thought it might be hardware related, we the patched our production (excluding our live Live environment) and the behaviour still persistsed.
We were very lucky to have avoided it affecting our live environment and have postponed the patch in our live environment - as the users would of deffinatlety hunted me down with their pitchforks and touches. Its a massive shame thought as I really believe there are a lot of great functionalities and features introduced in 2024.1.

I’m currently working my way through scenarios and theories, the patch notes indicate a lot a good work has gone into attachments as a whole, however somewhere along the lines there MIGHT BE something that’s negatively impacted the attachments for those whom are hosted on-prem and their files on a File-system.


We don’t have any issues with that, very fast, no issues with upload speed from outside of Kinetic.

I’ve opened a formal ticket with Epicor and uploaded a video of the hang that we are experiencing as well as the slow upload times.

For us when, you click “done” and go directly back into the attachments the browser usually stalls, opens the slider half-way and then goes away until you do a 2nd time.

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Cheers @josephp , let us know when you get an update, we’re waiting to hear back from support at the moment.