Filter on combobox in kinetic

Hello Guys,
i added a combobox in ap invoice entry.
and try to filter by Vendor ID.
it doesn’t work.
i tried a lot of combination.
UD10_Key1 =?‘{VendorID}’
all of them not working.
can you please help what is the syntax to add the filter.



I think question mark goes inside the single quotes.

UD10_Key1 ='?{VendorID}'

tried and not working.
it return empty. it should return one record.

Try moving that down to the Search Filter instead of the Row Filter… I saw that work for someone else on here… can’t find the post now, to link it.

now, i have to add a button and put baq in dataview and click button to load baq with filter
and then it worked.

Frankly speaking, Kinetic application studio is not an ideal place to do the customization.
Before I use one hour to finish such task in classic and now, i have to double/triple time to do the similar output with extra click. user may not like the extra click.

but thanks for the help.


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I’m assuming you could set up your event for your BAQ to run automatically anytime the APInvHed.VendorNumVendorID changes. Shouldn’t need a “button”… if you want to get rid of that extra click.

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This :point_up_2:

You could set up your event trigger like this:
Type = DataView
Hook = Row Changing
Target = relevant data view … in this case, APInvHed

There is definitely a learning curve … but it gets better!

As @timshuwy likes to say, Kinetic is developed using Application Studio … it’s a very powerful tool, just lacking in documentation and consistency. As you keep learn the quirks and hidden gems, you can churn out better customizations faster

Hello David,
I tried already but the event did not fire. that’s why I put button.



Thanks for the tips. I already tried that and it is not fired.
only button is working so far.

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