Thanks. I’ll give it a try…
Chris Wineinger
ERP Specialist
241 N Broadway Ste 600
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Office # 414.224.0957 X2051
Direct# 414.847.0701
Cell # 414.840.6594
IT related problem? Contact helpdesk@...
Thanks. I’ll give it a try…
Chris Wineinger
ERP Specialist
241 N Broadway Ste 600
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Office # 414.224.0957 X2051
Direct# 414.847.0701
Cell # 414.840.6594
IT related problem? Contact helpdesk@...
I have a dashboard that shows jobs by Resource Group and when the operation was completed.
I have a calculated field on the dashboard that puts a "1" if the job is finished on time.
If ( Date(LaborDtl.PayrollDate) > Date(JobOper.DueDate)) then "0" else "1"
The shop manager does a sum and a count on the column to get the percentage of jobs completed on time,
sum divided by count
I there a way to put a formula showing the "sum divided by count" result in the tracker field at the top of the dashboard so the percentage is displayed ?
Chris Wineinger
ERP Specialist
Interior Systems Inc.
You could do the calculation in the BAQ and add it as a column, (which would be the same for every record) and then in the properties for the Query in the Dashboard Definition, on the 'Publish' Tab, you can select that field in the "Publish Columns" window on the left side, and then check the box on the right "Publish to Title" and select your column in the Drop-Down list below the checkbox. You can add text below like "Percentage -" and it will display that in the title bar.
I hope this helps spark some ideas for you.
George Hicks