Does anyone know what the future plans are for Shelf Life in Part Maintenance?
Notice this information in Application Help:
Does anyone know what the future plans are for Shelf Life in Part Maintenance?
Notice this information in Application Help:
For What It’s Worth … the Filed name is actually LotShelfLife.
The Data Dict for that field says:
Shelf life of a lot in days. Zero indicates unlimited shelf life.
All of the above is from 10.2.300
Any reason for a character limit of 3. Cannot go past 999 days.
It’s an integer so it will hold bigger numbers. You’d need to use Extended Properties to adjust the field size.
Now I can enter 5 digits:
I am afraid to ask.
Is this accessible on SaaS MT environment?
Not sure. Can you access the menu
System Setup -> System Maintenance -> Extended Properties.
Looks like it is totally unrelated to anything else. Maybe you could store the value in weeks instead of days. EDIT: see @timshuwy’s post below for correct answer on usage.
I set my Ext Properties back to the original values, and that field (that was set to 12345
) now shows:
I’m not sure what the limits of SaaS MT are.
Can you make Customizations and BPM’s?
If so, make a customization that has a control bound to Part.UserInterger1. And a BPM that copies the value from UserInteger1 to LotShelfLife.
And I was able to change the mask of the original control to show all 5 digits. But changing the value directly in the UI results in a warning
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I am fairly sure that this is not just for “Future”… there is a Lot Expiration date in the PartLot table. I believe that it will calculate the expiration date based on the lot creation date + shelf life value.
Then if you TRACK the Expire dates (in Part Maintenance/Lots/Attributes) I believe that you can change the expiration date of individual part/lots in the Lot maintenance program.
Not sure if that will work without being able to ext properties. I have tried to DMT 4 digits and it errors out.
We are currently trying to track the expiration date on a raw material. We have the part set as lot track and qty bearing. We have the expiration date set as “Mandatory”. When we receive the material it does require us to enter an expiration date. However when we issue it, it does not prevent us from issuing an expired material. It give us no warning or anything.
Any suggestions would help. I thought that it would at least tell us the material had expired.
We just created a BPM, I think it was a Data Directive on PartTran that checks the expire date and give the error message desired, which could be an informational warning message or an exception message that would prevent the transaction.
In this case, it was plastic material that after so long becomes brittle and if it’s past a certain age the remaining entire lot needed to have a nonconformance filed so QA could test/inspect the lot and record the results and either return it to inventory to reject it through DMR. The Shelf Life was used for this BPM.