If that works as advertised, I might give you a kiss….
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of DaveO
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 1:24 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: FW: Summary RE: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description - Email found in subject
Create a calculated field in the BAQ and use the following syntax:
If INDEX(Part.PartDescription, CHR(10)) > 0 Then
Replace(Part.PartDescription, CHR(13) + CHR(10), " ") Else
Replace(Part.PartDescription, CHR(13), " ")
Good luck,
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of DaveO
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 1:24 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: FW: Summary RE: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description - Email found in subject
Create a calculated field in the BAQ and use the following syntax:
If INDEX(Part.PartDescription, CHR(10)) > 0 Then
Replace(Part.PartDescription, CHR(13) + CHR(10), " ") Else
Replace(Part.PartDescription, CHR(13), " ")
Good luck,
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>, "Len Hartka" <len.hartka@...> wrote:
> Good Day:
> I could not get any of these to work except the "Clean" for Excell, but I used it by ( see attached or below ):
> List Part# and Descripiton
> Next cell is Len (Bn)
> Next cell is Clean(Bn)
> Next is Len (Dn)
> Next is If (Cn = En, "", "XXXXXX")
> Ones with special characters will list as "XXXX" in column "F"
> Sort by F descending.
> "Clean" finds all non-Printing characters and removes them.
> The '"cr here‑Then place another here ‑Then continue with entry" was part of testing and does not need to be done.
> 13099 STRIP GRATE 37 PLASTIC STRIP GRATE 37 PLASTIC cr here‑Then place another here ‑Then continue with entry 104 STRIP GRATE 37 PLASTIC STRIP GRATE 37 PLASTIC cr hereThen place another here Then continue with entry 102 xxxx
> Len
> ________________________________
> From: Len Hartka
> Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 3:25 PM
> To: Len Hartka; IT Department
> Subject: Summary RE: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description
> Good Day:
> Added one more.
> Len
> ________________________________
> From: Len Hartka
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 7:37 PM
> To: IT Department
> Subject: FW: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description
> Summary of responses:
> to type a <cr>
> a. Alt 20 = <CR> Alt 65 = a
> b. In the set field calculation window you will see a set of character symbols between the field list and separators. In there you will see the carriage return symbol
> c. Start/Programs/Accessories/Character Map. The Unicode Character Map gives the keystroke in the lower right corner. Remember to hold down the Alt key, type the numbers and release. It's important to use the keypad and not the numbers above the keyboard.
> d. How do you add a Carriage Return when concatenating 2 Fields? Field1 & ¶ & Field2
> 1. I think you are looking for Hex 09 character. I have used the =clean(cell#) successfully after exporting to Excel. I create a new column and make it =clean(cell#) for each line then past - special - value over the original data
> 2. ~r will match a carriage return in ABL. That should do the trick.
> 3. I think you can do in progress, use the CHR(010) and CHR(013) - one if CR, one is LF. Kevin Simon
> 4. In excel is Chr(##)
> 5. Did you try searching for "~n" in your BAQ? Deb Bland
> 6. In Word, Click on Find&Replace Click on the [Special] button Maybe the <Manual Line Break> is the same as a <CR>
> Probably works same way in Excel
> 7. In Word, Click on Find&Replace Click on the [Special] button Maybe the <Manual Line Break> is the same as a <CR>
> Probably works same way in Excel
> 8. Did you try searching for "~n" in your BAQ?
> 9. I think you are looking for Hex 09 character. I have used the =clean(cell#) successfully after exporting to Excel. I create a new column and make it =clean(cell#) for each line then past - special - value over the original data. Eric Blumenkrantz
> 10. Since you are still using UniData you should be able to create an I-Desc. that removes all <CR> in a field like:
> CONVERT(CHAR(13):CHAR(10), "", Desc) If that gives you the results you want then you can use MODIFY to do
> something like: :MODIFY MYFILE Desc = NoCrDesc Of course backup your data file first and test it in your testaccount.
> David A. Green
> 11. Most Windows based systems will us CR LF (Carriage Return, Line Feed)
> As Jose suggested, using the Chr() function can help find them. Chr(13) is Carriage Return, Chr(10) is Line Feed.
> I've had success pasting in to Notepad++ and using the "Show Symbols" selections under View to determine exactly what characters I'm looking for whenever there's a question.
> Len
> search-cr search-<cr> <CR> carriage-return
> ________________________________
> From: Epicor9 Discussion List [mailto:EPICOR9@...] On Behalf Of Eric Blumenkrantz
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:15 PM
> To: EPICOR9@...
> Subject: Re: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description
> I think you are looking for Hex 09 character. I have used the =clean(cell#) successfully after exporting to Excel. I create a new column and make it =clean(cell#) for each line then past - special - value over the original data.
> Eric Blumenkrantz
> IT
> Kennedy International
> eric@...
> office 609/409-4515 x 175
> cell 310/977-8729
> From: Epicor9 Discussion List [mailto:EPICOR9@...] On Behalf Of Len Hartka
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:14 PM
> To: EPICOR9@...
> Subject: [EPICOR9] Search for <CR> in Description
> Good Day:
> RE: Search for <CR> in Description
> We have some carriage returns, <CR>, in some of our Part:Descriptions.
> Using a BAQ, I was able to find other 'special characters" with a simple *[spec character]* search on a BAQ, but that did not work for a <CR>.
> The <CR> just shows up as a little box when the description is shown on the screen.
> I could export to Excell and search there. I seem to recall you can use the ASCII number somehow.
> So, does anyone know how to do it in E9 or Excell - or WORD for that matter.
> len.hartka@... <blocked::mailto:len.hartka@...>
> Leonard C. Hartka, IS Project Manager\ERP Specialist
> Sun Automation Group
> 66 Loveton Circle
> Sparks, Md. 21152
> 410-329-3560 ext. 120
> 410-329-3564 FAX
> 443-255-7192 Work Cell
> len.hartka@... <blocked::mailto:len.hartka@...>
> www.Sunautomation.com <blocked::http://www.sunautomation.com/>
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