FYI - Daylight saving time ended

That statement normally requires the ticket to be escalated. Development should decide this, not support. :grin:

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You are correct: PRB0189581 is REJECTED.


Unbelievable. Not sure why they won’t fix this. It’s irritating to have to go into the task agent schedules and change them twice a year because of this bug. It’s even more irritating they say it’s a problem and then reject it without any consequence

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I guess the ball is in our court. How would we want it to work?

The solution is probably different for:

  • On Prem, one server with all users in one time zone
  • On Prem, one server with users with plants across time zones
  • On Prem, one server with companies across time zones
  • Same combinations with system in the Cloud
  • Multiple Servers in the Cloud or On Prem

This is a good read if you’re interested in Programming issues with Time Zones

How about a Checkbox to adjust for DST and Time Zone Selection in the Task Agent Schedule?
Seems pretty simple.


I made a BPM to do it automatically, But since we only have about 6 or 7 schedules defined, it’s not really an issue to manually update them.

Ii is pretty straightforward …


I don’t mind updating them either, but every so often (sometimes twice a year) I forget to do it. There are a lot more pressing enhancements I would rather see.

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Which Time Zone? The one the server is in? The one that the largest site is in? If you’re remote and you schedule something, do you use the local time from the remote location? Or should it convert to the server location (where the Task Agent is)?

I would hope the Date/Time was store in UTC and then the TimeZone would define the display on the screen.
The user would define the timezone, so it would depend on what they want to see.

I believe that the problem is a worldwide problem that we have not taken into account. The “world” time doesnt change… but individual locations DO have daylight savings time… and those times change on different dates depending on the local rules. A quick review of this Wikipedia Page on Daylight Savings Time shows how complex the rules are. But even then, there are rules within rules… Within the USA, there are some states (AZ, HI) that dont follow the DST rules… and in addition, the State of Arizona USA has even more rules… the Navaho Indian reservations DOES follow USA DST rules, but the HOPI Reservation (which is INSIDE the Navaho reservation) follows Arizona standard.
The whole thing is a mess, and should be abolished IMHO.


And isn’t there a city in the mid-west that doesn’t follow DST, while the rest of the state it is in does?

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Let’s say I’m in Germany and I want something to run at 00:15 CET. Leave out DST for a moment, they would see 00:15 but that would be 18:00 EST. Does the server know the time zone of the user? Is that in a session object? Do you discern that from the currently logged in plant? Can we specify the Time Zone in the Task Agent? (That could certainly help!) When do you think it would run?

Now to DST. CEDT and DST don’t change on the same weekend, so for a short period it’s -5 and then back to -6 (in the fall and the opposite in the spring. Our DST is longer)

OH… one time, I purchased a clock from Radio Shack… I thought it was really cool that it had an Automatic feature (non-switchable) to change Daylight Savings time. The clock had both Time and Date, and had a preset value for when DST started/stopped… That was all really cool UNTIL US Government decided to change the date that DST Started and stopped… the clock was always messed up in the October/March.


Somewhere in the UP in Michigan…

I was thinking of Indiana. Prior to 2006, the state ignored DST, but some localities did. In 2006 the state passed a law to make DST state-wide.

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East Chicago, IN was like that but I think they went with the rest of the State. Maybe W. Lafayette, IN. too. I seem to recall my brother saying they didn’t switch at Purdue. But I will leave the Indiana inside info to @ERPSysAdmin. :wink:


Honestly, in today’s age, why? Why do we still do this to ourselves?


:weary: Argh, all of this talk of DST is making me ill… :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: I lived most of my life here in Indiana not having to change our clocks and it was AMAZE-BALLS!!! Now that we have to change our clocks I long for the “good ole days” again. :sob: There was talk of changing it back but it hasn’t happened yet. I think we should. I really don’t think DST makes any difference and doesn’t help anyone save time or money.

Why can’t Epicor just look at the Server time and run Schedules off of that? The server time changes automatically and I never have to adjust it or my Windows Task Scheduler processes twice a year. And if you are running a schedule for Germany wouldn’t you just calculate the time that you want to run it based off of your (US) server time and as long as Epicor keeps with the Server time, the Schedule will continue to run at the correct time. Or am I just being too simplistic?

Anyone submit something to Epicor Ideas yet?


Oh my dear friend, if your server was in the Western Time Zone, people would be complaining that they had to “constantly convert the time” let alone ask them to do time math any time they scheduled to run something.

I guess the one good thing about Time Zones is that Dolly Parton’s song wouldn’t be, “Working 14 to 22, Just tryin’ to make a living…”


What would you submit? The only thing I can think of is adding the time zone to the schedule and let the individual Task Agent running it calculate the time to run based on the location of that particular Task Agent - since you can have up to three, on different servers, each possibly in a different time zone.