Nevermind. There is only one Account Context for Part. Sorry for that rabbit hole.
On the PO Line there is a Class field. Is it possible the Class is overriding this value?
Not being a finance “guru”, I typically play with the GL Control Codes to see where the value comes from.
I also offer that the “Suspense” account actually be made up of many accounts (like in your case 01-5006## where the ## is 00-99). That makes it easier to find the source and what is driving the result.
Also, I would want to test the result when a receipt is made to see if the COS/WIP is hitting the correct account (despite what is shown on the PO Release).
If you try a PO marked as “Inventory” with that part does it choose the inventory account? I think @Jason_Woods is right, I would get support involved. They may be able to shed some light on what’s happening.
Here is the issue we are having with the GL Account matrix.
We have non stock parts in Epicor that we want to go to a GL account. We just don’t want the whole Part Class to go to that GL Account as we could have multiple GL Accounts within a part class.