Is there a way to hide all the locked rules and events from the navigation tree? If there is no way then I’ll try to name them so they appear at the top. It’s hard to scroll up/down trying to locate your custom rules/events in the tree.
Just to piggy back on this, it would be great if customized controls, events, dataviews, etc could be easily identified in app studio.
I have a naming convention I use for this:
DataViews: cv_YourDataView (custom view)
Events: ce_YourEvent (custom event)
Rules: cr_YourRule (custom rule)
It’s easy enough to use the search bar at that point and type in “ce_” to get all of the custom events in the list.
I’ve got nothing for this one, though.
I do this too but the thing that drives me insane is that you can’t right click to delete if you search for the item. Only if you scroll all the way down to it can you see the Delete command when you right click. And they don’t appear alphabetically in the list.
OMG–tell me about it! Drives me up a damn wall!
I do the same. Just need to figure out a way to make that everyone, everywhere also does this from yesterday until forever.
But we all know that the Ideas Portal is the answer. Haven’t checked if any of my votes have been released recently.
I have no votes but here you go:
“Please stop the pain”
I can’t vote but I can exhort!
Ditto on all above. Also, when I create an event by Behavior it seems to want to name it based on EpBinding. I thought it would name it after the object ID but apparently not always.
If I right-click delete and event it’s gone from the list but seems to keep it somewhere still.
These inconsistencies are wasting our dev time.