I totally agree with all the items below, plus the maximum sales
line quantity of 9,999,999, of course there is a work around,
we are adding multiple 9 million lines to the orders,
but we still have some orders that have ???????????'s
instead of a quantity and every time we open the order,
an error pops alerting us that Vantage cannot
support this large quantity. We created some of this
at the beginning. I know the solution, close the orders
and create new ones... but these are blanket orders.
Eunice Corral
I totally agree with all the items below, plus the maximum sales
line quantity of 9,999,999, of course there is a work around,
we are adding multiple 9 million lines to the orders,
but we still have some orders that have ???????????'s
instead of a quantity and every time we open the order,
an error pops alerting us that Vantage cannot
support this large quantity. We created some of this
at the beginning. I know the solution, close the orders
and create new ones... but these are blanket orders.
Eunice Corral
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Winter, Patrick [SMTP:pjw@...]
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 8:00 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [Vantage] High volume businesses using per 1,000
> Hey, I'm glad to see another High Volume/Repetitive manufacturing company
> in
> vantage land speak out. I feel your pain.
> I hope to persuade Epicor to have a focus group for us.
> I dream of a page in the Epicor eManufacturing brochure "High
> Volume/Repetitive Manufacturing."
> Seriously Epicor has done a great deal to accommodate "High
> Volume/Repetitive Manufacturing." without recognizing it specifically. But
> their is still work to be done:
> Repetitive Manufacturing:
> *) Company Configuration: Starting PO 5 digit limit., Starting Order
> number
> 5 digit limit.
> *) Sales Analysis Report maximum quantity 9,999,999.99. (Should be at
> least
> 999 trillion).
> *) BOM Qty Per Parent field limited to 5 decimal places. (I could live
> with
> eight)
> *) Transfer to a single bin then ship to clear up multiple line items for
> a
> single part on a packing slip.
> *) Shopvision/Scheduled Shipments - Radio Set for (Firm/NotFirm/Both)
> releases.
> *) Reacknowledge a sales order and skip voided and complete releases,
> option
> to skip not firm needed also.
> *) TimePhase Screen should be layed out like time phase report. (Why are
> they different?)
> *) TimePhase doesn't subtract out job shipments.
> *) Purchase Orders for Subcontracted PO's need to add days out to today's
> date not the operation scheduled start date. (This is the only way to make
> Vendor Delivery Performance work.)
> *) Job Tracker / Operations Browse: Total Cost Column and Cost per each is
> needed.
> *) Quote Tracker / Operations Browse: Total Cost Column and Cost per each
> is
> needed.
> *) No system for standard packaging quantity and odd packed amount. (Kind
> of
> like dimensional inventory in reverse.)
> Patrick
> Vantage 4.00.901, Progress 9.0B37
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jholloway@... [mailto:jholloway@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] High volume businesses using per 1,000
> We are a high volume manufacturer coming off JobBoss. We have an
> issue with the fact that qty/parent field only goes to 5 decimal
> places. We are thinking of trying to use Vantage with a unit of
> measure of per 1,000 to compensate for the limted number of decimals.
> Is anyone else using per 1,000? If yes, what are the pros and cons?
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> To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
> Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to:
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