I want to check Primary Warehouse (PrimWhse) by Stite (Plant) by PartPlant_BeforeFieldChange event in Part setup screen
I want the code to retrieve the Primary Warehouse (PrimWhse) by Stite (Plant) in the Warehse table.
I guess I’m not understanding. Can you first describe the problem you are trying to solve? I see the solution your are trying to implement, but don’t know why you are doing it.
Here, my company found an error when I created a Stite on the Part screen, if the Primary Warehouse (PrimWhse) is not selected with the Primary Warehouse (PrimWhse) of that Stite, an error will occur in some screens linked with other Partnumber so the solution is that we have to catch when people choose Warehouse (PrimWhse) must be true for Stite (Palnt) these two are related through the Warehse table