How to make a BAQ execute and display grid on user's desktop?

I have a BAQ that a member of my Accounting department wants to run interactively to see the data grid and copy it to Excel. The point is they want an Excel file on demand. How do I make this happen? I have tried a Dashboard, but those make the BAQ visible to the entire Company.

Currently, they come to me and have me run the BAQ using Analyze and copy the grid to an Excel file.

oData REST call straight to excel lots of info on that in the forum search around

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You can assign the BAQ the security ID of the user.

Vinay Kamboj


I second @Vinaykamboj on using the security. That’s way easier than rest into Excel.

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How do I do that dynamically? For instance, I may have a diverse group of people viewing the dashboard? Or do I just find one that is “sufficient” and apply that one?