I tried your solution: Changed a grid in Customer Tracker, how do I get the Retrieve button working?

The solution previously provided does work and the Retrieve button now functions. However, when the Customer> tab CustID is changed the grid with the custom BAQDataView is not cleared. I am using the ShipAll> tab grid. See code below:

public void CreateCustTrackerShipmentBAQView()

// Initialize the BAQDataView by giving it the BAQ name that will be used.
baqViewCustTrackerShipment = new BAQDataView(“MGAzCustTrackerShipment”);

// This will add the BAQDataView to the form, so we can bind it to the grid. The DataView will be called “CustTrackershipment”.

// This will subscribe the BAQDataView (filter it) by the Customer.CustID - this from the Customer> Detail> tab
//string pubBinding = “Customer.CustID”; // this is the field binding value from the form.
//string pubBinding = “Customer.CustID”;
string pubBinding = “ShipAll.CustNum”; ← Original Data View
IPublisher pub = oTrans.GetPublisher(pubBinding); // if the publisher exist, then a publisher name will be returned.

if(pub==null) // if no publisher
MessageBox.Show(“CustID was not published”.ToString());
oTrans.PublishColumnChange(pubBinding, “MyCustomPublish”); // publish it
pub = oTrans.GetPublisher(pubBinding); // get a hold of that publisher

if(pub !=null) // if we have that publisher then we want to subscribe (filter) the BAQDataView to that publisher
baqViewCustTrackerShipment.SubscribeToPublisher(pub.PublishName, “ShipHead_CustNum”); // this is the actual column name from the BAQ


Do I need to clear the grid when the CustID is changed?

Can anyone confirm this? if the subscription is mapped to the original data view ShipAll, why is it necessary to clear the grid after the CustID is changed? Is this a known bug?