Insights 2018 Announcement - Panel Session


Well guess whoā€™s coming to rain on your lovely Insights parade? Woot! Sorry in advance. :smiley:

I heard it was this guy


What did you hear?

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Same body shape, but Iā€™m way less funny.

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I will have a car and can take 3-4.


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Iā€™d like to come along, can I put my name in the mix for a lift please? Be great to put names to faces!

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And I wishā€¦

Whatā€™s the exact time and date of this. I am still keen for a Skype.

Come on Hally, take a red eye. They wonā€™t even know you are gone

Maybe I might just say Iā€™m working from home :slight_smile:


Good Luck All. I wonā€™t be attending this year again, unfortunately due to the workload. Perhaps next year. :sunny:

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Donā€™t forget to post the Youtube link :). I have been practicing staying up late for months now in anticipation.

LOL - Practice makes perfect Simon. Is it getting Live Streamed or just recorded?

Iā€™m hoping live streamed :)ā€¦pleeeeeese

is Epicor going to allow that? Seems like they might want to protect the revenue from attendee registration.

Sadly, you are probably right.

So while everyone will be tucking into Pizza and Pastaā€¦Iā€™ll sit back had have a coffee and wish I was thereā€¦O I might be in a despatch meeting working out out we are going to sort that last mile out of our implementation. :frowning:
Everybody have a great night. Hopefully weā€™ll catch up next year.

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Want us to bring you in via ā€œSatelite Feedā€? Youā€™ll have to provide your own pizza and drinks

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Iā€™d be up for thatā€¦After my meeting.

FYI I still have 2 seats. Iā€™m parked around c2 in Cascades parking (just past lobby). Iā€™ll probably be leaving around 6:30