:dumpster_fire: Insights 2023

How many times am I allowed to swear during a single presentation?

Happy to take the role of “Swear Jar Holder”…Hmmm, what’s the exchange rate these days?

Depends, Is this a drinking game?

It is now! I will not be held responsible for anyone that gets alcohol poisoning. :joy:

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@Hally I’ve heard it’s negative. As in every time a swear, you owe ME money. :grin:

As many as you want. We’re all adults, and we all use Epicor. It is expected actually.


Whatever you do don’t go with @Randy to the after-parties. Its a Kinetic fan-club and no one likes WinForms Classic at those parties.

Or if you value your liver.

Who’s gonna buy me dinner at Hell’s Kitchen this year?
Any takers? :3

Let me get this straight, we already have to pay you every time you swear, and now you want dinner too?

You sound like my wife.


If You Say So Whatever GIF by Matt Cutshall

So you’re used to it!
I’ll see you at Hell’s Kitchen. :smile:

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We’ll be having:
steak tartare,
the beef wellington & baked macaroni & cheese
chocolate sin cake
Stella & smoke on the blvd

I’ve never been to an Insights, so not sure if it has been covered before (or often enough)…

I think a good course would be on how the reporting systems work. All to often do people see a table name in the RDD or RDD and assume it is the actual DB table, when it is really a temp table. Some points to cover:

  • What the RDD does, and how its output is temporary
  • What the difference is between DB tables and Report tables (OrderHed vs OrderHed_GUID)
  • What RDLs are
  • What Report Styles are
  • Why you should never press the Synch Dataset button
  • How the RDLs use the data from an RDD’s output
  • What the archive period does for the temp data
  • Restress how important it is to never press the Synch Dataset button

I’d be happy to present this. I only ask for admission to Insights, and access to a syestem running Kinetic. I’ll pay my own transportation and lodging. And I’ve been “owed” enough drinks to keep me happy while I’m there. :wink:


Dare I ask what the colon-3 smiley is. I could say what it looks like, but don’t want another call from HR.

:3 is cat face

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Me. I will.

And as a gentleman, I won’t even ask that you please, please, please, do that session on converting forms to Kinetic.


You sure? Be cause there is one :cat: is :cat:

To give you a hint of what it looks like to me…

“Hey…my eyes are over here on the left”

You’ll need the main hall. That one isn’t going to fit in any breakout room.


Oh I know what it looks like :rofl: , but :3 is a pre emoji emoticon.