Inspection Report --- FINALLY!

No, ended up upgrading to 10.2.700 to get it to work.

Ok, that’s on my very soon to do list. I may need to make that happen now. Thank you for the response.

I have a .700 server. Can you share how you used the PreStartConfig. What temp-table do you use or do you use the Paramerters? Then I get an error that SysRowID is not of same variable type when using Char01.

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You are adding the GUID of the InspResults table to all of the other tables so you can join them on the fields to ensure you are getting the correct rows.

You need to convert the GUID to a string.

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It is under the configurationRuntimeDS, see screenshot.


Getting there!


I ended up converting to string and am past that error. I don’t have the InspResults table available in the ConfigRuntime.PreStartConfiguration though. I’ve never used a BPM that way. I can’t just grab it from InspResults or am I missing something for that? It’s AMAZING that you figured this out and shared, it’s terrible it’s not offered out of the box.

See my screenshot 3 posts above. You want configurationRuntimeDSPcValueGrpRow.RelatedToSysRowID


Then the DD…

You will want to remove the space in the first image, but other than that it looks correct.

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That was it! I don’t know how you spotted that space. Thank You…now on to the Report :slight_smile:

What SQL Version is this? Thanks!

For the .rdl. I thought my comment was below the post for it.

I used Report Builder to make it, don’t know which one.

I’ve never had a shared report given to me. I was thinking it mattered on the version of SQL. Thanks, I’m building my report now.

Thanks John again for your help. The .rdl doesn’t match the RDD. Was there a change. I seen you said no one should have to endure re-creating and I’m trying but am now having an issue with that part of it. Happy Friday!

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I posted the RDD and all of the BAQs near the beginning of the post.

Darn, I know. Mine don’t match when I import and create report. Would you be willing to help me offline. Is that something you can do.