Invoice Group Help

We received the same error yesterday on 607b when trying to print the edit list.  We had logged the same problem back in 2012.  According to Support's response back then, it was supposedly fixed in 700.

Our issue related to re-using an invoice group that had been used in the past, i.e. probably in the previous year or so.  To correct, try moving several of the problem invoices to a new group, if it works, then move the remaining invoices:

- create a new group, one that you're sure hasn't been used in the past
- open the problem group
- select a problem invoice
- select Actions | Invoice | Transfer and select the new, unique group (if the problem group has only one invoice, you may get an 'index -1' error; try loading the target group anyway, the invoice should still have moved).
- open the new group and try calculating taxes and printing an edit list

Hope that helps.

Bob Beaghan

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9.05.700B SQL – Non-Unicode


Hello all, having an issue we have yet to come across.  I think it may be related to the Tax issue some of us were experiencing with AvaTax.  I have one group of invoices (have cleared the group and re-created), that just will not acknowledge that tax has been calculated.  We keep getting the following error when attempting to pull the Edit List:


Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.Rpt.ARInvEdit


Error Detail


Message: Taxes need to be calculated before printing.

Type: Error

Program: Rpt/ARInvEdit/ARInvEdit.p

Method: ExValidateParam

Table: InvcDtl


Field: TaxConnectCalc




Stack Trace


   at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.ARInvEditImpl.SubmitToAgent(ARInvEditDataSet ds, String agentID, Int32 agentSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum, String maintProgram)

   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.ARInvEditAdapter.SubmitToAgent(String agentID, Int32 angetSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum)

   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Rpt.ARInvEdit.Transaction.adapterSubmitToAgent(String agentID, Int32 angetSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum)

   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.FrameWork.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(String agentID, Int32 angetSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum)


Anyone run into a similar issue, or know how to get around it?  I can view all the Tax Connect results for each invoice and see that the operation was successful.  So I’m not sure what field Epicor is keying off of to determine whether the tax has been calculated or not.


Obviously we have Tax Connect back up and running, and are able to close other groups, just this one particular group is being difficult.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Jason Doyle

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