---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <nhoyt111@...> wrote :
---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <nhoyt111@...> wrote :
Good Morning,
Epicor customer entry and order entry show that there are these two fields for invoice when order complete:
Order "invoice when complete" default (customer / billing tab)
Invoice when complete (order summary tab)
We don't use this functionality and when it is accidentally checked, causes us loads of downstream problems. I've tried using BAQ, external query, and sql studio to view them and no go. They just aren't in the tables listed. I can't find the fields anywhere. Does anyone know where these fields might be found? I can't even write a BAM to audit or a BPM to prevent checking. I prefer not to hide or disable, as who knows, maybe 10 years from now someone will want to use the functionality in our company.
---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <nhoyt111@...> wrote :
Good Morning,
Epicor customer entry and order entry show that there are these two fields for invoice when order complete:
Order "invoice when complete" default (customer / billing tab)
Invoice when complete (order summary tab)
We don't use this functionality and when it is accidentally checked, causes us loads of downstream problems. I've tried using BAQ, external query, and sql studio to view them and no go. They just aren't in the tables listed. I can't find the fields anywhere. Does anyone know where these fields might be found? I can't even write a BAM to audit or a BPM to prevent checking. I prefer not to hide or disable, as who knows, maybe 10 years from now someone will want to use the functionality in our company.