Is it possible to create new Sales Order Entry via direct calls to sql server?

We would like to do some automation from other systems into our Epicor Vista 8.03.409C which is on Windows Server 2003 (Version 5.2.3790.srv03_sp2_gdr.100216-1301) using SQL Server 2005 (Version 611).

I am not too familiar with how the system was setup but was curious if people are able replicate adding a new Sales Order Entry with just making direct calls to the database.

Is this even possible with this version?


Anything is possible, this is a terrible idea though there is a ton of business logic you’d be bypassing.


Thanks Jose - any recommendations how we can automatic a sales order creation? Requirement given to me is to import a HubSpot quote into Epicor. Maybe it’s not possible with our version.

Welcome any ideas/thoughts. Appreciate your time.

You should be able to to write an integration using the business objects, or service connect (if you have it)

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Thanks. I will do some research on both of these. Not too familiar with either so need to find some documentation on how to work with either.

You are in a REALLY old version of Epicor, but the business objects and WSE endpoints where all there at that time.

There should be documentation on consumming WSE services in EpicWeb .


Yes, it is. Don’t think we are on any plans as well so not sure I can get on EpicWeb but appreciate the info you have provided.

Have any contacts that have documentation or could help me figure this out? Contacted a few people we have worked with and so far haven’t been able to get any help.

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If you don’t have a valid support contract we can’t really give you the docs that belongs to Epicor.


Thanks. On a side note, with Epicor, can you create on click events? This looks a lot like and know there are onclick and onchange events. Looking for easy way to trigger database call based on form input change.

It is in Fact VB however you do not call Database anything from the UX in Epicor. You invoke generally a business object or a BAQ which then can execute the appropriate logic server side.