We are working on our suppliers score card and want to use our top 10 suppliers we have spent the most with. is there a report or any recommendations anyone has?
Can you use report like Supplier Payment? It is under Accounts Payable -> Reports
You can use Supplier Tracker and go to the Links tab to determine the payments.
If you want to create a report just for the top 10, create a BAQ Report should be the easiest option.
I don’t believe that there is any such report, but creating a BAQ/Dashboard to show this information would not be of great effort… You would need to determine if you want the top 10 based on PAYMENT, INVOICE or PO RECEIPT… this determines which table to examine. I would think for Supplier performance, you would want to examine the Receivers, and summarize by the data by Quarter.
We have two SSRS reports- one for purchase orders and one for purchase invoices - catches stuff that “buy” off system like utility bills.
We look at that on a YTD basis and also do a bit of categorization by commodity and also supplier business area. I can share if you want and you can customize
We have an AP Total Spend report that can be run by Fiscal Year or Start and End dates. It is pretty simple report and ranks the suppliers highest to lowest by spend amount. We also add our supplier group details to it. It is an SSRS report. Here is snippet of the code used.
Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order By InvoiceTotal Desc) as Ranking
from (select A1.VendorNum
,MAX(A2.Name) AS SupplierName
,SUM(A1.InvoiceAmt) AS InvoiceTotal
,MAX(A3.GroupDesc) AS GroupDescription
from Epicor10.Erp.APInvHed A1 with (nolock)
left outer join
Epicor10.Erp.Vendor A2 with (nolock)
on A1.Company = A2.Company and A1.VendorNum = A2.VendorNum
left outer join
Epicor10.Erp.VendGrup A3 with (nolock)
on A2.Company = A3.Company and A2.GroupCode = A3.GroupCode
where A1.InvoiceDate >= @StartDate
and A1.InvoiceDate <= @EndDate
group by A1.VendorNum
) A4
Order by InvoiceTotal desc
hello thank you for your response how do I populate the supplier performance ? I click refresh but its not bringing anything up
I was going to say the same thing. Whenever I look at open, closed or all I do not get the grid to populate. There are definitely paid invoices for those suppliers.
Jeowings that query looks hand, thankyou. Going to check it out.