Job Adjustment question - Update Labor Hours?

Complete noob here when it comes to Job Adjustments. I am expecting that when I make an adjustment to an operation, the hours would update on the operation to reflect my change. I’m not seeing that is the case. Am I doing something wrong or am I just wrong with my assumption?

Labor Transactions including adjustments

Labor Hours on this operation

Just going to ask a couple of general questions. Did you select the correct assembly and operation? When you did the adjustment, did you select an employee?

Yes, that list of labor transactions is from the assembly/operation that is shown in the lower screen shot. I did use an employee ID also. I noticed that if I specified a labor cost adjustment, that reflected in the total cost of the operation. But the hours did not update.

That does seem weird. I would compare the complete LaborDtl records to see if there is anything different between them. Any chance you somehow entered the records as Indirect?

omg those start dates.

Try using Time and Expense Entry to make the edit instead and see if that does what you would expect?

That’s kind of why I’m here. I tried doing it in Time and Expense and the labor detail is stuck at Entered. I can’t approve it. So I was reading in here on a different thread and it suggested a job adjustment - which would be fine because I’m not as concerned about an employee’s actual hours as I am the hours of the job itself being correct. I’m just messing around in our Test environment for this. Perhaps I should create a new, fresh job and then try to do some adjustments/T&E edits? What should I be able to expect?

Mainly what I am trying to figure out if I see an incorrect labor transaction, what’s the best way to correct it? In Time and Expense, I think I am limited to updating it while the labor head record is still fresh, right?

I am far from an expert, but we use T&E to correct operator data entry errors. I have no experience with job adjustment.

T&E requires the job to not be marked complete and the fiscal period to not be closed, so yes, you have to catch and fix the error in a timely manner.

Depends on how your accounting works and if the punches are used for any payroll.

Do you use T&E for normal business where a supervisor needs to approve it?

@jkane - We don’t use it for payroll. We are starting to use it for time studies in one area of our production facility and also it will be used for job costing.

@hackaphreaka - T&E might work but part of our issue I think is that they tend to catch the errors when they go to mark the job complete - and sometimes that’s weeks after it was started and it could easily be that the fiscal period that the entry was made has been closed.

IMO this is a root cause issue. Rather than spending effort on getting better at fixing the mistakes, prevent the mistakes in the first place.

For us this meant developing tools for our supervisors to easily monitor labor transactions on a near-real time basis, and them committing to spotting and correcting errors in a timely manner, as well as taking necessary action with employees when mistakes were over an acceptable level.

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This is good feedback. We have developed tools but I don’t think the supervisors are using them to be proactive. I agree also that addressing the mistakes with employees and holding them accountable is going to solve a lot of problems. We’ve been correcting costs using GL adjustments when the margins look all out of whack and someone reviews the job and finds the cost to have been way off due to incorrect or missing labor details.

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I did look at Field Help on the Act Labor Hours from Job Tracker and that field displays the total burden hours. So that’s why it’s not accumulating more hours when I make an adjustment only to labor hours. If I adjust burden also along with my labor hours, it does what we’d expect. I think that’s fair because when you are clocked into a job, you are accumulating burden hours along with labor hours… you just can accumulate more labor hours if multiple resources are in use … so that’s not crazy. We don’t do a burden cost with our jobs so that’s not crucial but if you did, you could always adjust the burden hours by X, the labor hours by Y, and the associated costs to get it to all match up properly.

We use another product for Time and Labor collection. Our integration uses Job adjustment. It is very reliable for us. Burden hours are always the same for us. It shouldn’t impact your hours being incorrect, but it raised a red flag for me. I would go into a BAQ and look at the whole tab for one record that works vs. one that doesn’t. Someone else suggested that and it may point you to the solution.