Kinetic 2021.1 First Look

I do not know that yet. Layout stuff if going to be all new, that’s one of the things that won’t be preserved. It’s the logic that you can reuse.

You can put cards in a grid (I don’t remember the terminology)

But yes you have the ability to have something occupy only half of the screen.

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Running from CLIENT vs from BROWSER… some people don’t know how… here is how:

  1. when you run from CLIENT, you will see a web address at the top of your kinetic menu such as:
  1. COPY this value and paste in into your web browser but add /home to the end. This takes you to the web native version.

Note that the first time you launch a program, it may take a little longer to cache things, but the second time will be very fast.
Also, in the Pilot and test accounts, you may not be able to run the old client programs from a browser because you may not have purchased the EWA license for Pilot (I think that is what you need).
Below are some screenshots for illustration:


And as a bonus, it looks like your password manager (LastPass I’d guess), will remember your login info for you.



And as a bigger bonus, if you use Azure Active Directory, you don’t have to remember another username and password. Or a password at all if configured. Also, since Epicor would be a registered application, and if you use Microsoft’s Endpoint security, you get all the features (MFA, impossible travel, passwordless, …) that you can’t get with username/password.

Your :cloud: message of the day. I’ve been slacking. (Or Teaming? :thinking: )



Yup… lastpass remembers the login and password.

All I see there is a my pilot server “”. Which gives a 403 error.

ok, you need to add “/home” to the end of that address.


AhHA! That did the trick! Thanks!

I remember seeing somewhere that the SSRS report builder will change with Kinetic. Is that true? Will it come with a new report editor, or do I need to download a new one? I am still using SQL Server 2012 Report Builder 3.0

Kinetic 2021 still uses SSRS so no changes here.

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Will we still be able to use UBAQs, Advanced BPM, and Custom Code Widgets?

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Will users still be able to create BAQ gadget tiles or does Kinetic render them extinct?

Active Home Page does allow you to add BAQ Widgets

@josecgomez, have they added back the ability to place an action on the Widget like we could in the Modern UI BAQ tiles?

For example, we had a BAQ for purchased parts on POs without material standard cost. Click on the row would take you to Cost Adjustment. It was a nice work flow.

No that doesn’t appear to be the case @Mark_Wonsil

Thanks @josecgomez. It would be nice to see home tile BAQ gadget usage identified in the “where used” functionality in BAQ Designer, so I wanted to confirm that they would still exist in K21 before submitting an enhancement request in the Ideas portal.


Is the login the same as in the application? Anything to add to that? I can’t login.