Kinetic Auto Print Issue


I am working on an auto-print BPM for a BAQ report. The BPM is simple—it checks the LaborDtl table and triggers the report to print preview when the report quantity is greater than 0.

However, when I test the print function, the reports remain pending in the active tasks within the system agent. Any idea what I do wrong?

Here’s how the BPM is set up:

I do have two option fields set up on my BAQ report.

Thank you in advance,

The print action of Auto Preview looks problematic to me.

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And setting the RunSchedule to Queued.

This is worth a read, getting a bit old now, but still has relevance.

Hi Hally,

That’s it! Set it to Queued, and problem solved! Thank you so much.

I saw that post but haven’t had the time to read everything on it, will definitely spend some time on it!

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Hi Dan,

Yeah, it was the Run Schedule that Hally pointed out. Thank you.