Kinetic UX / App Studio Questions for Podcast Guest

Thanks for fielding these questions. Looking forward to this podcast no doubt!

Let me know if I can help in any way.

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Perhaps a few minutes of where it started, and how it’s transformed over the versions, any big current pain points and what’s up coming (Safe harbor of course).


Will there be any theming options in Kinetic UX in general or options to customize it in App Studio? If not, why not? The classic theme styler great for making test/dev environments look different in classic and I would love to be able to do that in Kinetic.


@amurdock - Yes! We lean heavily on theming our different companies and test environments. It’s made a big difference on reducing mistakes where you thought you were in one company/environment, and not LIVE!

@josecgomez - Will there be any plans on FULL how to webinar or documents for converting various different classic customizations / dashboards into Kinetic? Having both side by side, with a video showing steps on how it was converted from start to finish would be huge. There is great info here, but having a full start to finish hand holding would make it a lot easier to follow along.

BPM cookbook for Kinetic customizations! Please ask if something is in the works. As much as Epicor likes to say Application Studio is easy, there is SO MUCH hidden nomenclature knowledge necessary to get simple things to work. Thank goodness we have this forum.

Padding - Tips to reduce padding to free up screen real estate? Cells in cells in cells in tables with 20px padding on everything consumes a ton of space which could be used for information. Our users want to see everything in one screen, not spend their day scrolling.

What happens with the feedback submitted with the fly-out? We used to get a reply from Kinetic Feedback Response, but as of a year ago, it’s radio silence. Is the feedback still helpful? How much does Epicor receive? Examples of improvements initiated from this feedback?

  1. Why did they go with Angular? What else did they look at in the design stage?

  2. If they had to do it over, what would they do differently?

  3. Where do they think UX / UI (ERP and in general) is heading in 5-10 years?

  4. Who in the world gets to decide on the names of things?

  5. What was the first computer that they worked on? What was the most impactful piece of tech for them?

  6. What is their favorite legacy / discontinued Epicor product / feature?

  7. If they were given an unlimited budget, manpower and approval, what would they roll out right now?

  8. Will AI replace all software at some point?

  9. What’s they current favorite Github repo?

  10. What was the last tech where they realized the future is now here?

  11. What do users not understand about the design process or Epicor?

  12. What is their absolutely best/worst customer story? The one where you just can’t understand how they are even in business.


THIS! :pray:

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This is a cool question.

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This is also cool!


Strictly not Kinetic UI, but suggestions on working around conversion away from WCF and what’s the best replacement for BOreader, in particular, (dynamic BAQ???)…

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Does Bo reader not exist in the latest version?

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It does but WCF is deprecated (that’s my understanding), so either I’m using a wrong implementation of it or something else. Apparently you can re-enable WCF Services, mentioned here. KB0120930 for those who don’t want to read the post C# Customization Error After Upgrade - #31 by SteveFossey. Others do provide alternatives…

I’m not a fan of enabling something that Epicor has deliberately disabled…

Perhaps this one becomes another Podcast…“Upgrades from the Trenches” or something similar.

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WCF was deprecated by rest so you should upgrade your project to use REST


BOReader service is still there and works the same as before it can be invoked via REST


Clearly had my blinkers on there. Thanks @Jose. Here is the 2022.1 Rest Help screenshot for those interested.


Yes yes yes a thousand times yes :raised_hands:


That’s completely fair. If there ever is a webinar I will pay any price :joy:


Our solution is to maintain the Name and Color for each environment, Green - Live, Orange = Pilot, Red = Third. this is controlled on the Admin Console so we don’t have direct access, have to submit an Epicare case every time Pilot or Third is refreshed from Live. But this header appears on every kinetic screen so it’s pervasive.

We have a weird color code for the sites that means something to people at this point. That bit is maintained by us directly on the Site Maintenace screen.

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@djonason, I agree that is a step in the right direction but in classic we make the Test environments much more obvious. We add “* Non-Production Database *” to every screen and across every status bar via the theming options. It would be great to add something like this in Kinetic.



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Was there a podcast episode on app studio? I was just going to add my own list of questions then saw the necroposting warning, so guess its tool late now. Was it Ep6 “the Kinetic Transformation with Brian Conner”?

There’s chat above about an architectural overview, that would be awesome. I love what @hmwillett is doing with creating Kinetic Control Compendium yet some things still elude me. Dataviews and data handling in particular; being new to Epicor, not just Kinetic, I think there’s some abstractions and layers I don’t appreciate- sometimes a dataview seems to act as a table sometimes as a row of a table …