Labor cost is zero in labor records

Hi All,

Doing some testing in Epicor 2024.1.7.

Configured a resource group with labor rate and burden rate. And reported labor via “time and expense entry”. Burden rate and cost is coming in labor record properly but the labor rate and cost is zero.

How to get the labor rate populated from the resource group?

Note: If I configure labor rate in the employee setup, then the labor rate is coming in labor record but do not want to configure labor rate for each employee individually.

The labor values at the resource/group level are for estimation only. If you want actual to come through you have to put it on the employee.


They are on the job under the Scheduling Resources and come from the resources assigned. Are your resources set with use resource group value?


@hackaphreaka, I was hoping to input the values on resource group level. Can we see where these estimated values comes in play… like a tracker or some dashboard using these values for estimates. Thanks

You can look at the estimated costs on a job in Job Tracker.Job Detail → Assemblies → Costs

The estimated values have a variety of uses but come into play mostly (for us anyway) for comparing estimated vs actual and reporting variance outside a certain criteria.

Things like the auto job closing process allow you to set parameters around these variances and prevent a job from being auto-closed, etc.

If you put the values in the RG and set the resources they will transfer the cost to the scheduled resources on the job. There are some occasions where even with a cost it comes thru as zero, so I have a cleanup bpm that checks the RG for laborDtl records that don’t match and fix them.

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Yep, the resource is configured and values appearing on job.

Yes, resource configured to use values of resource group

But in my case labor cost is always coming zero even after the setting on resource.

I built this so I did not have to chase the odd times when the rate did not come thru. Test it to see if it will work for you.

E10 laborfix.bpm (67.7 KB)

The Help says the Costing Labor Rate from the Resource Group/Resource only applies to Time Entry and Data Collection.

Hmmm. I did not catch that eagle eye @jkane. The data directive should solve that not for cleanup, but for everything.

tried with time entry app, but the same still did not updated labor rate.

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Yep, thanks for sharing the directive. :smiley:

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Sorry, it seems that in my case the estimates are also not showing in job tracker.

Can we see the Operation list of values? is there a labor rate, setup labor rate, burden rate, production qty and est. Prod Hours? If we are missing one the est. Labor Cost and burden labor won’t be calculated.

Now that eagle eye @jkane made me look at the T&E the quantity is 1 FT. What is the job supposed to produce that is not in EA?

Is your Employee record part of a Resource Group?

Job Entry - Job is producing a dummy finish-good part in UOM feet. And have 2 operations cutting and machining.

Currently reporting 1st operation(Cutting). Est.Prod hours are not there in both operations. Any idea on why it’s zero…

Below is screenshot of scheduling resource

Did not configure the resource in employee setup.

The job has no due date, so it has not been scheduled. Please schedule and see if the estimates get built. Also does the operation have labor rates?

Your Employee Labor Rate is $0, which is probably overriding the $20 on the Resource.