Last Cost Origination

Can anyone tell me where the Last Cost originates in the screenshot? This is a purchased part. The Std. Total Cost is the last cost from our vendor invoice (done via costing workbench). At no point in 2021 did we pay more than $1. I’m just trying to figure out what populates this field so I can determine whether it is or can be useful to us.

Hmm… I THOUGHT that it was based on the last RECEIPT (not the last invoice). I am wondering… was there a recent return or rework? Note that the AVERAGE material is also 1.41288… the average is calculated based on a weighted average of what was in stock when you received the last item(s). You might check your Part Transaction History to see all the receipts and see what has happened. OH… remember that if you sent any of this part out to a job as a rework, and then received it, that would reset the last cost.

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Another thought: Are you multi-site? Was this transferred from another site?

No, single site. No transfers anywhere.

This is it. There was a new batch received yesterday. I’m not certain it was received correctly, but that’s where it is coming from.

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